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Pastor Paul Update
Update April 6th 2023
Thank you for you continued prayers. Pastor Paul is gradually continuing to improve. He stood up 3 times today and his pneumonia is improving. The next step will be getting him to a different facility so he can start the rehabilitation process.
Please continue praying for continued healing from the stroke and in his lungs. Be praying for therapy as it happens at the hospital and that he is able to be released soon to a rehab facility. Pray for open doors for the facility that will be best suited to help him in his recovery!
Thank you again for your continued prayer and support for Pastor Paul, Robin, and the family!
Update March 28th 2023
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Pastor Paul, Robin, and the family. Like we mentioned Sunday, we are in the stage of recovery where day to day progress is less noticeable, but the overall trajectory is still improving. He is still very alert, laughs and involved in the conversations, even though he can’t talk yet at this point. He is getting closer, and our prayer is that as his brain heals and as he undergoes speech therapy, we will see more improvement in that area.
He is encouraged by all of the prayers! We serve a big God and we continue to believe for faster than normal improvement as he recovers!
Update March 23rd 2023
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. We have already seen God do so much and He is continuing to move! Pastor Paul is much more stable and continues to be very alert. They are hoping to be able to move him from ICU to another room soon. Once that happens, they can be even more intentional with the recovery process. He is doing PT and speech therapy.
At this point, the recovery is a little slower and big changes happen a little less frequently. This is a process! With that in mind, we are going to be updating Pastor Paul’s condition on the website on Tuesdays and Thursdays and have a live update in our Sunday morning services. That said, we serve a BIG God, and if something big happens on a day we don’t have a scheduled update, we will let you know!
Pastor Paul has been so encouraged knowing how many people are praying for him! Thank you again!!
Let’s keep our hearts and minds focused on God continuing to work and heal!
Philippians 4:8-9
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Update March 20th 2023
Our God is a Big God!
Pastor Paul was very alert today and his movements are continuing to improve. He is smiling a lot and loved hearing how many people are praying for him!
God is working in a mighty way through.
Update March 19th 2023
Our God is a Big God!
Pastor Paul has been more alert each day. He is smiling and has spoken a few words. He squeezed Robin’s hand and tried to sing along to “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. To see how far he’s come in just a matter of days is remarkable!!
Continue to keep praying. It is making a big difference!
Update March 17th 2023
Thank you all for your continued prayers for Pastor Paul, Robin and the kids.
Pastor Paul is off the vent and breathing on his own – with oxygen in his nose – so that’s GREAT news!
He has been responsive to voice and is responding to some of the tests they are giving him. God is moving!!
We still have a long road ahead and there will be many hurdles to overcome. But God………
Update March 16th 2023
Thank you all for your continued prayers for Pastor Paul, Robin and the kids. They are truly being felt.
Today Paul was able to open his eyes when prompted to, and they are attempting to wean him off the ventilator and the sedation in order to further evaluate the extent of the damage to his brain.
Please continue to pray over his brain and that his body will make a full recovery.
Thank you so much for all you are doing. Robin sends her love and is so grateful for the out-pouring of love, support, and prayers
Update March 15th 2023
Pastor Paul and Robin made it to Oklahoma at 5:00am and he is being treated locally. He is currently medically sedated in ICU and is being monitored and evaluated to determine the best plan of action moving forward.
- Please continue to pray for Pastor Paul and respect Robin and the family’s privacy
- Pray for the doctors and medical staff
- Pray for Robin, Rachel, Jacob, Whitney and Alison and the rest of the family
- Pray for God to be glorified and for people to turn to Him through this entire situation.
Please join us for a prayer vigil at Westmoore Community Church tonight March 15th 7:00-8:00pm.
Update March 14th 2023
Prayers are being answered!! Pastor Paul is being Medi-flighted back to the United States TODAY! He is still sedated and has a team waiting on him when he arrives at the hospital to start treatment.
- Pray for safe transportation and for Pastor Paul during the flight
- Pray for healing for Pastor Paul
- Pray for the doctors and medical staff meeting them when the arrive
- Pray for Robin, Rachel, Jacob, Whitney and Alison and the rest of the family
- Pray for God to be glorified and for people to turn to Him through this entire situation.
We will be having a prayer vigil at Westmoore Community Church on Wednesday March 15th 7:00-8:00pm
March 13th 2023
Pastor Paul and Robin were out of the country and Pastor Paul suffered a stroke on Saturday, March 11. He was alert and responsive after the stroke. He was transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital where he was medically sedated to protect his brain from further damage. He is still sedated and in ICU, but he has been responding well to medical tests and procedures. The next step is for him to be stable enough to be transported to the US for further treatment.
Things you can do:
We will have a prayer vigil at Westmoore on Wednesday, March 15, from 7:00-8:00 PM.
We will be posting updates on the church website.
Philippians 4:6-8
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.